Sanna originally wanted a red bird crying and Keane wanted a lonely soldier.
The driver stopped, reached under the seat for a package, and handed the lonely soldier a new pair of socks, still in its plastic wrapper.
A few more miles and an equally lonely Pakistani soldier waved to us.
"The folklore is that what a lonely soldier, far from home, really wants most is a home-cooked meal. "
For all the times when Hal had risked his pension, his life, to offer aid and comfort in a lonely soldier's war against the odds.
The grieving mother took care for the lonely foreign soldier.
A lonely soldier needs all the help from those behind the front he can possibly get.
And I am, I must tell you, a lonely soldier indeed.
"Well, I am a lonely soldier," I pointed out, and she laughed again.
He paid and went back to the bench, found Maureen staring down a lonely soldier.