Mr. Clinton has long backed a scaled-down version of the child credit, which is also supported by traditional Democratic constituencies like organized labor.
Also a top bundler was Howard J. Rubenstein, a public relations executive who has long backed Democratic candidates.
And he has long backed renewable energy from biomass fuels, wind and solar power.
Mr. Cuomo, by contrast, has long backed measures for more open and honest government.
They have been trying to allay public anger since huge pro-democracy rallies last summer forced government officials here to withdraw stringent internal security legislation long backed by Beijing.
Rudy Noll, a retired lieutenant colonel living in Calhoun County, is ardently pro-military and has long backed the incinerator.
Many women, even those who have long backed Republicans, are furious at the party and its nominee for their positions on social issues.
Pakistan has long backed - some would also say created - the Taliban.
Pakistan has long backed Islamic extremists who have committed atrocities against civilians as they battle Indian rule.
American aides officially regard Iran, which has long backed anti-Israeli militant groups like Hezbollah, as one of the world's leading state sponsors of terrorism.