Amnesty International has long campaigned against flogging for whatever crime.
While Amnesty International and other groups have long campaigned against the certificates, the issue attracted relatively little attention for many years.
There will also be more money for "talking therapies", for which charities have long campaigned.
Congratulations to all those who have campaigned long and hard on their behalf.
The prince, who has long campaigned for the survival of rainforests, said that forest protection would be key to a successful deal.
He has long campaigned against what he calls "demolition by neglect."
Peter Yarrow attributes the renewed interest in the group, which has long campaigned for human rights and social change, to several factors.
Environmentalists have long campaigned to close the plant.
Lessons have been learned, but conservationists have long campaigned for a rethink.
The Fullerton family has long campaigned for an independent public inquiry into the events surrounding his death.