While we have long championed the cause of the environment, we have been slow to put our own house in order.
In a report to Congress, he urged adoption of several policies long championed by liberal civil rights organizations.
I have long championed the Commonwealth as an overlooked and undervalued vehicle for the promotion of democratic values.
Oregon has long championed a state law aimed at restricting urban sprawl.
Mrs. Clinton has long championed small loans as a way to lift rural women and their families out of poverty.
That especially applies to the course this page has long championed: a more multilateral approach under the United Nations' leadership.
This is something we have long championed for other governmental bodies.
I have long championed this model as a sound strategy to increase investment in energy efficiency.
It is a cause that my party has long championed and we say unreservedly to those who join us here today: you are most welcome.
Mr. Rumsfeld has long championed the need to transform the military and exploit new technology.