A long chronology of events has preceded today's festivities, beginning in 1978 when Charles Dent, a retired airline pilot and art collector, took up the cause of re-creating the bronze horse.
Juan Cole states that this means that in dating Creation, Bahá'u'lláh promotes the theory of a long chronology over a short one.
Within this long chronology of activity some periods are better represented than others, but the highlight of the project was the excavation in and around the medieval church which lies in the stack-yard at Midpark.
Turkey and Ukraine have a long chronology of historical, geographic, and cultural contact.
There also exists a long chronology which places events 120 years earlier than given here.
Kutik-Inshushinak (also known as Puzur-Inshushinak) was king of Elam from about 2240 to 2220 BC (long chronology), and the last from the Awan dynasty.
This long chronology of use has been verified by both radiocarbon dating and more precisely, by dendrochronology.
Advances in Iron-Age archaeology since the 1930s have now led modern archaeologists to adopt a longer chronology for the site.
G.M.'s lawsuit against Volkswagen contains a long chronology of Mr. Lopez's activities before and after he jumped over to the German car company.
Extensive entries for each of the artist's works are preceded by a long chronology with numbered and itemised sections discussing in detail the major developments in Magritte's career.