Two Governors who have been on opposing sides of a fierce debate reached an agreement that may lead to a breakthrough in a long Congressional deadlock.
The Phillipsburg Stateliners broke the 16-year long deadlock, winning 27-12 over the Easton Red Rovers.
If that was not the case, then a long deadlock would result until one side succumbed to the other.
It ended a long strategic deadlock, giving the English command of the plains of Fife and the north-east.
He was seeking to break a long deadlock in Congress over the issue.
Thus ended the longest legislative deadlock in New York history after 74 days.
The killings at an army checkpoint on Tuesday ignited simmering anger among Palestinians over a long deadlock in peace negotiations.
The surprisingly strong 270-to-226 margin of victory in the powerful lower house broke a long deadlock on cleaning up Japan's scandal-tainted politics.
The Palestinian leader was more cautious, though, saying that "we have to wait and see" if a long deadlock in negotiations had truly been broken.
After a three-month long deadlock, they compromised on James Aloysius O'Gorman.