After a long estrangement, he has re-established ties with his adoptive family.
He feels, moreover, that an end to the long estrangement is finally in sight.
Mantle's sons aren't nearly as hard on him, but they regret their long estrangement.
Given the long estrangement from the motherland, the answer has to be a bit of both.
The republic's long estrangement from the six counties of the north was never meant to be.
"I became interested in my own happiness," Helen says, by way of explaining her long estrangement from her mother and grandmother.
These have nothing to do with his negligence of me, or our long estrangement.
It takes a long time for people to learn to trust each other again after a long estrangement.
He remained friends with Bev during her long estrangement from Brian.
It was a result of long estrangement between him and the Democrats.