The Administration has long favored a lower capital gains tax.
This would move the agency in a direction long favored by conservatives inside and outside the Bush administration.
For that reason, she favors long, flowing pants, her friend said.
We have long favored special prosecutors to look into all the campaign irregularities, including these.
This page has long favored a hefty gas tax increase, for revenue and energy conservation.
Republicans have long favored a policy of "school choice," which has grown in grass-roots popularity.
The political landscape in Texas has long favored Republicans at the top of the ticket.
Republicans have long favored giving government money to parents who are dissatisfied with public schools to help offset private school tuition.
The East has long favored offensive strategies; will it have to turn to a more defensive footing?
Yet in some ways the project represents a return to the predictable approach long favored by large-scale urban developers across the country.