Finally, features such as long linear grooves were cut into the bedrock along certain roads which do not seem to point to a specific direction.
On the far side of the dune the tracks became a long groove, where Brutha must have fallen.
The result, called "the Eliminator," has a long groove down its middle and is hollowed out in front.
Even relaxed, it was hard, the long groove of the muscle graceful under my fingers.
Additionally, the needle has a long groove in its front face.
The nostrils are located near the ends of the cephalofoil, with long grooves running towards the center.
The valley is shaped like a long groove in the lunar surface.
It has three long and one short groove behind the lip.
They are shiny black and have many long grooves on their elytra (outer wings).
There was a long groove where the man had dragged himself for several yards.