The longest incarceration was for six months.
I tried to summon up the rough conversion factor I had worked out during my long incarceration.
The 18-year sentence is not unusual here for white-collar criminals, who are often punished by long incarceration or even death.
"Young jurors have trouble putting people behind bars for a long incarceration," she said.
"I can see this is going to be a long incarceration."
In 1596 he went on to the English mission, but was arrested in 1598 and endured a long incarceration.
They remembered their long incarceration, in an inexplicable way they were seeking revenge.
He said that public support for the death penalty dropped notably in states that offered a guarantee of long incarceration as an alternative.
They were flexing their muscles and skills after the long incarceration in the tank.
A large number of the prisoners, he believed, suffered psychological problems from the effects of the long incarceration.