The involvement of Hispanics in parent-teacher groups has long lagged, perhaps because of language barriers or a perception that they are not welcome.
New York State has long lagged behind the rest of the country in efforts to comply with new requirements under the Help America Vote Act.
Other shareholders agree that Nuveen's shares have long lagged behind its fund industry peers.
Mr. Mack was also adamant yesterday about overhauling the retail division, which has long lagged behind its rivals.
Black and Hispanic children in the city have long lagged behind white and Asian students, a point that Mr. Klein did not need to repeat.
Citigroup shares closed yesterday at 54.50, up 11 cents, but the stock has long lagged its peers.
Times Mirror stock has long lagged behind that of other media companies, in part because many Wall Street analysts have considered the company's costs too high.
However, wastewater treatment has long lagged behind and Brussels only achieved full treatment of its wastewater in 2007.
Economically, the East has long lagged behind the West, since the countries with an Atlantic seaboard discovered the joys of ocean-going commerce.
In terms of profit earned as a percentage of assets, Japanese banks have long lagged behind American banks.