When I walked into the small bedroom, Laura was standing in a long nightgown by the side of the bed, looking at me.
She was a thin, frail sort of woman in a long white nightgown.
She was standing beside his bed, a white shawl slipping from her shoulders above her long nightgown.
Silently she drifted down the hallway, her long white nightgown making her look like a ghost.
Damon said nothing, but he looked at her, his eyes taking in the long white nightgown with its high, lacy neck.
Generalissimo Corazon was in his long white nightgown when the two frightened guards were led into the presidential sitting room.
I heard something walk by my bedside, like a man in a long nightgown.
Olga, her sisters and brother, were all wearing their long white nightgowns.
In her first appearance, Peach wore a long white nightgown.
The wind had come up, blowing the long, lacy nightgown against her body.