"If that was once the case, those days are long past."
Because the time when she could is long past, and now it's far too late.
That's long past, and what's happened today changes the situation.
Words out of the long past were on his tongue now.
They have memories of when the government gave out land free, but find that is long past.
But for many doctors, the time to ask is long past.
The time for that, if there ever was one, is long past.
Here and now, it seemed too long past to help him.
They're long past, and a lot of the art here is 20 or 30 years old, too.
But the time is long past to turn from planning to action.
And now, as it was long past one, I prepared to leave him.
It was long past the time when most folk would have considered that they had put in a good day's work.
Both men are long past the official church retirement age of 75.
"We're long past the days when a woman can't look good and be taken seriously as well."
He was long past the time when women's tears had the power to move him.
"If you ask me, we're long past the point of no return."
But I was long past that kind of thing myself.
His air time was long past the point of no return.
He was long past the age when a man should marry.
It is long past the time when we should have finished the job.