Young Irwin Maurice Fletcher goes to the wildest reaches of Africa after receiving a message from his father, long presumed dead.
In the course of some light banter, he discloses the news that the first husband of Marden's wife, Olivia, long presumed dead in Australia, is, in fact, alive.
And it was equally notable in that the legislation borrowed heavily from Democratic proposals made months ago and long presumed dead.
Fletcher goes to Africa after receiving a message from his father, long presumed dead.
The hermit Celanawe proclaims himself to be none other than the Black Axe, famed champion of the Mouse Guard who has been long presumed dead.
The young woman encounters her grandfather Erastus Bouverie, long presumed dead, living in secret on the second floor.
Gesture From Bulgaria The head of a Bulgarian concern long presumed to have helped to arm terrorists offered to share information with Western governments.
They wanted him to appear to have a real mandate because they thought this would silence the opposition, which has long presumed itself to have the advantage in numbers.
The mapinguari, a giant sloth that reportedly moves a lot faster than its name would indicate, may belong to a family of ground sloths long presumed to be extinct.
AccuWeather's decision raised the eyebrows of many seasoned meteorologists, who have long presumed that any detail in a forecast that far ahead owes more to imagination than science.