Musicians have long prized its ability to project a full range of harmonic tones, but instrument makers have never been able to duplicate the sound.
In jazz and classical music, bootleg recordings are often the only documents of a particular lineup or performance and are prized long after the fact.
For one thing, there's a short supply of municipal bonds, long prized by investors because their income is exempt from Federal income tax.
The horse is an animal long prized for its strength, speed, and beauty.
This species is a commercially exploited species, long prized for its sweet flavor.
For this is a dynamic city that has long prized commerce - and film.
Western culture has long prized artistic newness.
Charities have long prized the "unrestricted" gift, which allows the organization to spend it as it chooses.
The answer will say a lot about the current state of a nation that has long prized national unity above civil liberties.