As a natural gas trader, Enron has long promoted the use of natural gas over coal.
He was promoted to flag rank not long afterwards, and became commander-in-chief at the Nore.
To that end, many carriers are finally showing interest in a concept long promoted by equipment makers with relatively little success to date.
Such considerations weigh especially heavily on those who hope to be promoted out of their current jobs long before the millennium.
The regime has long promoted next year at the point at which the country would achieve development and prosperity.
This gallery has long promoted new and experimental art, and exhibits graduate works annually.
Western donors also have long promoted sector reforms aiming at higher levels of cost recovery and more efficient service provision.
Susan has long promoted the virtues of positive role models and passed legislation promoting youth mentoring.
Like other digital camera makers, Nikon has long promoted the idea that more pixels mean better photos.
Republicans have long promoted it as one of the toughest and most radical proposals by any state.