Nonetheless, he said, there has been a growing militancy among Israeli Arabs, who have long protested that they are treated as second-class citizens.
The Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association, however, has long protested supply management.
At home, Mr. Bush risks angering the right wing of his own party, which has long protested any buildup in Chinese arms.
But that is the only public recreational pier in Clinton, where community leaders have long protested that their neighborhood has been cut off from its own waterfront.
My father had protested long before by excluding the emperor's picture from our house.
Many scientists and librarians have long protested the cost of journals, especially as they see these payments going to large for-profit publishing houses .
It must not be too painful or frightening ... or all your conquests would have protested long ere now.
Today's move has obvious appeal to the American fishing industry, which has long protested over the fishing practices of foreign vessels, and to voters in coastal states.
Residents have long protested the center and its visual impact on the 108-year-old arch.
The fans have protested long and hard to no effect.