He delighted in the long ranks of sweating, singing black men as they opened the rich, red earth and placed the fragile little saplings.
She seemed to review long ranks of words before selecting one.
The column divided to pass the solitary tree, then the long ranks reunited when they were past it.
The trumpets sounded, and the long ranks of horsemen stepped out.
Now they stood in long ranks loaded with the Legion's equipment and assorted baggage.
I took the horses down the long ranks at a tight hand-trot.
The younger man, who seemed almost imperceptibly to hesitate, followed the other across the marble floor to the long rank of elevators.
As before, they met on the plain, the war hosts arrayed in long ranks behind them.
They passed down the long ranks of waiting men with stern and unmoved faces.
We stood shivering naked to the waist in two long ranks in the passage.