The legal problem posed by unannounced random testing is that it may permit arbitrary "searches," which courts have long rejected.
Nashville has long rejected artists who not only revere country's roots but who also have a gift for making the music relevant.
Israel has long rejected proposals for outside monitors.
The offer was at once new in its directness and familiar in its insistence on conditions Israel has long rejected.
It is a remarkable political shift for a centrist country that has long rejected candidates of the far right or left.
"The idea that marriage-like rights without marriage is adequate smacks of a concept long rejected by the courts," he wrote, "separate but equal."
Mr. Koch has long rejected quotas or goals based on race, religion or gender.
Spain had long rejected repeated American efforts to purchase Florida.
These are the types of measures the Russians have long rejected.
Susan Fuchs had long rejected psychotropic drugs, which can be heavily sedating.