Debra started unreeling a long spiel about critical paths, milestones, requirements meetings, and I tuned her out.
It was a long spiel, and you could hear them coughing before he got done.
Then she dialed the number on the back of her Visa card and listened with gritted teeth to a long and irrelevant spiel on tape.
Then I gave him a long theological spiel.
When he finished his long, detailed and very impressive spiel, the entire bus burst into delighted applause and giggles.
The children then go into long spiels about what this maupair will do with them.
She started off on a long spiel about how in the old days, before what she called the long grayness, Moscow had been the center of the world.
He gives me this whole long spiel how he don't know.
I'm sorry, but all lines are busy right now," and a long spiel ending with "Thank you for your patience.
Well, Mrs Badcock went into a long spiel as people do when they meet celebrities.