The exchanges suggest that the long stalemate here may soon be broken.
This fall, there is a good chance to end the long stalemate, but only if House Republicans act responsibly.
But given the long Congressional stalemate, the Obama bill could be an important first step.
All sides have settled into what could be a long stalemate.
The previous longest stalemate was a six-day company lockout in 1986.
Passage would end a long stalemate over how far a law should go in freeing financial institutions from current consumer notification laws.
Instead, the long stalemate of trench warfare was ready to begin.
Thanks to the long stalemate on new clean air legislation, smog levels in 1988 were the worst of the decade.
As the war settled into a long stalemate, the issue of Polish self-rule gained greater urgency.
That complaint was swiftly withdrawn, but the two sides entered a long and bitter stalemate.