A long open veranda runs along the length of each wing of the building.
A long veranda ran all along one side of the house, with long windows and French doors opening on to it.
It had a long shallow veranda and green shuttered windows.
I remember the long veranda and the way that old cottonwood shades the corner.
The longhouse, a clan home of small units connected by a long veranda, is common throughout Borneo.
He hurried back along the corridor and stepped through the glazed doors out onto the long veranda.
Immediately under this window there was the wooden roof that sheltered the long veranda along the side of the house.
I could easily imagine its owners sitting on the long, street-side veranda, greeting passersby out for an evening stroll.
Glass walls provide occasional views of the park, with a long glass-enclosed veranda facing a field that stretches to Germany.