People eat too much because, in that long-ago time, they never knew when the next meal might come along.
Like so much of what finally surfaces in show business, the idea was born in the mists of long-ago time.
And then it came clearer to her, combining with memories of a long-ago time in a faraway place.
But the evil that came to the forest in those long-ago times was great, one that threatened its very fabric.
Still, not since those long-ago times had such a thing as ambush ever happened to a Thorin border patrol.
I tried to remember if I'd ever walked those roads before, in a long-ago time and place.
Had you plummeted down through the clouds in that long-ago time, the surface would have been nearly uniform and featureless.
Make me feel what it was like: the sounds, the smells, the whole flavor of the long-ago times.
It reminded her of good times, long-ago times.
Whoever had selected the hundred thousand in that long-ago time had done well.