The stink was like a spade, turning up long-buried memories.
There was a contemplative note in his voice, as if the admission were calling up long-buried memories.
The realization had caused dim, long-buried memories of that terrible time to resurface.
Talk of England had stirred long-buried memories in him.
Right out of the blue one afternoon he writes his own name, from some long-buried memory of a time before the plane crash.
It made him feel uneasy, as if he had knowledge of something better, some long-buried memory of things before the tribe.
Deep inside me, a long-buried memory began to nag at me.
But along the way, she also recovers long-buried memories about her past life and lover.
She would lie alone in the dark, unearthing long-buried memories.
The words tickled his brain with a long-buried memory.