As a result, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and the Department of Education are pursuing solutions that fail to address the real problems: long-established administrative policies that inadequately distribute resources to schools.
Not for the first time he wondered at the long-established policy that allowed anyone-and his brother-easy access to the Presidential Mansion.
The National Hockey League said in a statement, "It is the long-established policy of the N.H.L. that if one uses or is caught with illegal drugs, he will be suspended."
The slow demise of feudalism also weakened a long-established policy in which church officials helped keep the population of the manor under control in return for tribute.
The Legislature can bring the state into line with long-established medical policy - and save lives in the bargain - if it passes a set of bills that would establish municipal syringe exchange programs.
To protect cardholders, Visa and MasterCard have long-established policies for the merchants and processors that handle transactions on their payment network.
He did business under a long-established policy of protecting his clients' privacy.
A drastic change in long-established policy was prepared in secret in the office of the counsel to the President, C. Boyden Gray.
The few who have gone there exercised their free choice under the long-established policy of allowing Jews to live anywhere they wish - a policy Israel has never said it would repudiate.
This threatens the long-established policy of competitive bidding.