One table was occupied by a bunch of sleepy-looking, aggressively ragged, grubby, long-haired kids, male and female; the rest were empty.
One of the cops swung his stick and a long-haired kid sank to his knees.
You must understand that prior to 1966, long-haired kids were only seen on television getting into no good whatsoever down some dark, garbage-strewn alley .
The suckers feel worse over a long-haired kid in dirty clothes panhandling nickels than a guy like me with no legs.
Porter was a policeman accused of beating a long-haired kid to death.
The long-haired kid got his legs under him finally and wavered over toward Vie.
I thought one long-haired kid was a girl but she was a he!
He spotted a long-haired kid in a uniform behind a desk and walked over to him.
"He was your typical long-haired kid with lots of potential," Sather said.