Consistent with his long-held conviction that the nation needed a coherent technology policy, Brown developed an extensive technology initiative during his initial year as Chairman.
Scientific research is beginning to bear out many of the long-held convictions of pet lovers: animals feel pain, confusion and loss much as humans do.
But Mr. Buchanan's ascendancy allows the Mayor to exploit his neutrality and his long-held convictions about Mr. Buchanan in a number of useful ways.
He has turned to digital media and film to communicate his long-held convictions.
Consistent with his long-held conviction that the nation needed a coherent technology policy, Brown articulated his concept of a partnership between the public and private sectors to improve the nation's competitiveness.
For example: "For scientists as for so many others, evolution served as an example of a fundamental challenge to long-held convictions".
As in several other environmental disputes around the country, the antagonists in the spotted owl dispute remain loyal to their long-held convictions, bolstered by unyielding scientific and economic arguments.
I would like to conclude my talk by referring to what is, for me, a very long-held conviction.
Her voice was careful, full of long-held, familiar conviction.
Elliott Galloway's long-held convictions about progressive education and the practices of John Dewey led him to found his own independent day school.