Republicans are especially vulnerable because Enron reinforces the long-held perception that their's is the party of big business and the rich.
The potential savings are enormous, too, wiping out the industry's long-held perception that flexible factories are too expensive to create and maintain.
The print ads offer a similar wink-and-nudge to consumers by playing off some long-held perceptions about American luxury cars as sprawling and unruly "land yachts."
Much of the concern seems to be based on long-held perceptions rather than reality.
In the process, many are fundamentally re-evaluating long-held perceptions about both Western classical and traditional Chinese music.
The other long-held perception about the West is that it is a one-team race.
The victory shattered long-held perceptions of women's roles in sports, and provided the impetus for the organization that has now become a part of King's legacy.
He also seemed poised to benefit from the long-held perception that Republicans are more virulent than Democrats about tightening borders.
And whatever happens in Game 6, in less than a month they have altered a long-held perception about pro basketball in Dallas.
Mr. Frank's colleagues at the conference agreed that his findings were important for supporting a long-held perception.