However, the adverse health effects of elevated lead levels in children are well documented and may have long-lasting or permanent consequences.
Either choice will have long-lasting consequences to both races.
Changes that ultimately arrive for Jimmy have long-lasting consequences.
Graduating in a bad economy has long-lasting economic consequences.
In the early 16th century, the Philippines began receiving visitors who would have far more long-lasting consequences.
This action was to have long-lasting consequences, as it marked the start of a united, nationalist spirit.
The growing interest in this type of program is buttressed by research suggesting that divorce can have deep and long-lasting consequences for children.
Most of the deceptions are benign and have few if any long-lasting consequences.
The severe blows to the head commonly experienced by professional football players may have long-lasting consequences, according to a new study.
The crash marked the beginning of widespread and long-lasting consequences for the United States.