It is a long-lived tree, with a large widespreading crown of rugged branches.
It is a long-lived tree, reaching a maximum age of about 500 years.
Sitka spruce is a long-lived tree, with individuals over 700 years old known.
A long-lived tree, Eucalyptus robusta can live for at least two hundred years.
Due to its being a long-lived tree, several very large or otherwise impressive trees exist along the east coast of North America.
It is a long-lived tree, with high-quality timber when well-formed.
It is not particularly a long-lived tree, with a maximum age of around 250 years.
It is a slow-growing long-lived tree, hard to transplant because of its long taproot, and subject to insect damage.
It is a long-lived tree, with ages of 300-400 years estimated for some in Britain.
Those are long-lived trees, and nature usually provides a fire for them, unless some jerk comes along and starts it.