The long-nosed man who had been playing himself a round of pool racked his cue and strolled over to the counter beside me and threw a nickel on it.
This person was Mr. Hamadrynd, that lank-faced, long-nosed gentle man with the muted howl in his voice.
His immediate assistant was a lanky, sallow, long-nosed man, introduced as Muhammad Snell but addressed by the superior officer as Kluwych.
On one side was a picture of a long-nosed man with flowing silver hair.
A slightly pudgy, long-nosed man in nightshirt and cap lurked in the doorway with a candle, looking worried; I took this to be the Governor.
"So we feared," said the long-nosed man in a formida- ble manner.
Tall, stringy, long-nosed man, absurdly straw-colored hair, absurd blue eyes, thin lips, smiling.
The long-nosed man staggered at the sound, and Gregorin's horse shied.
The long-nosed man lifted his Coke and looked into the smeared mirror behind the bar.
A recurrent feature in the drawings is the profile of a long-nosed man, who could be said to represent the artist, observing.