The one dimension that suggested some potential for Mr. Dole concerned long-range economic prospects.
It is that long-range prospect - far less than Microsoft's immediate plans - that concerns some privacy advocates.
But its long-range prospects are suddenly murky.
I know you have reservations, Hari, But consider the long-range prospect.
In an announcement, McDonnell Douglas said the action was an indication of confidence in the company's short- and long-range prospects.
"I don't think I ever had limited ambitions," he said, "but I haven't thought about long-range prospects until recently."
Many analysts are confident about Turkey's long-range prospects.
In the meanwhile, even Rush conceded that he was equally distraught over the moral temper of the times and the long-range prospects for America.
My plan acquired a long-range prospect, and now we could attack instead of defend ourselves.
For the long-range prospects of women's college basketball, the contest was a small disaster.