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Attentive readers of the long-running column learned to divine judgments in the bland copy.
A popular long-running column Sage Advice offered official answers to Dungeons & Dragons questions submitted by players.
She has also co-authored several books with her husband John Frederick Walker, as well as a long-running column in Food & Wine.
"Mathematical Games" was the title of a long-running column on the subject by Martin Gardner (1914-2010), in Scientific American.
The site covers several facets of entertainment, and has featured a variety of long-running columns.
She also began a long-running column titled "Fit to Print" for the Comics Buyer's Guide.
As part of a redesign of the magazine, all of the long-running columns were retired, including "The Amateur Scientist".
His long-running monthly column Who's Counting deals with mathematical aspects of stories in the news.
He currently has a long-running column on the back page of The Sunday Times sports section.
Jan has also written a long-running column for Guitarist magazine.