While most members viewed the Senate as a temporary way station in a political or business career and served a single term, a few long-serving senators capitalized on their seniority to control the Senate's legislative agenda.
Capper became a long-serving senator, representing Kansas as one of its two senators for five 6-year terms.
Sen Stevens, Alaska's long-serving Republican senator, was clinging on Wednesday to a narrow lead over Democrat Mark Begich after being convicted of lying on Senate financial disclosure forms.
The Wasilla account was handled by Steven Silver, a Washington-area lobbyist who had been the chief of staff to Alaska's long-serving Republican senator Ted Stevens, who was indicted in July on charges of accepting illegal gifts and is now standing trial.
They might take a lesson from Utah, where one long-serving senator is packing up his office, while the other picnics with the Tea Party.
Elías Canaán Sapag (August 5, 1911 - June 21, 1993) was a Lebanese-born Argentine politician, long-serving senator for Neuquén Province, founder of the Neuquén People's Movement and head of the locally influential Sapag family.