He did this automatically, out of a long-standing habit of leading Odo to believe that he was always trying to get away with something.
He got up and walked around the lab, checking instruments out of long-standing habit.
From long-standing habit, he sent her a purposefully dazzling smile.
And according to Pickard, it is far from the only long-standing habit that Korda has changed.
With a quick glance around main engineering- a long-standing habit that had developed as a consequence of her work- Gravenor approached the breach.
And then, too, it's such a long-standing habit.
Looking for something new is a long-standing habit of Kate's.
He rapped briskly on the desktop... a long-standing habit ever since he'd taken up the drums at an early age.
Ignoring Arthur was a long-standing habit with James.
Many rulers in the region have long-standing habits of control.