It's still funky enough to attract young people, but filled with such long-standing residents as Martin Amis and Harold Pinter.
The simple but nostalgic lyrics and popular-sounding melody held equal appeal to the long-standing resident and the homesick soldier.
Through Weston, a long-standing resident of California and the Bay Area, he met most of the prominent West Coast photographers.
Robert Bailey, 72, a long-standing resident of Greenside Avenue, spoke of his shock following the news.
But long-standing residents are just as dug in.
Some of the older long-standing residents of Bathford still refer to Ostlings Lane as Horses Lane.
The poet Charles Causley was a native and long-standing resident of the town where he was both born and died.
Millionaires will be found talking to plumbers, weekenders to long-standing residents.
A few long-standing residents of Irish descent refer to the community as being cois farraige, which is an Irish language phrase meaning "by the sea".
These were mainly long-standing residents of Maputo, not recent immigrants.