The players owe a debt to the club and those long-suffering fans who have made them among the best paid in the game.
Instead, Gibbs's first season was yet another year of frustration for long-suffering fans.
Only the long-suffering fans, who are the real captive audience of the Super Bowl.
Fittingly, it was a long-suffering fan who had the last word.
It's $110 for newcomers and loyal, long-suffering fans alike.
Yet through it all, most long-suffering fans have quietly accepted their fate.
He represents the long-suffering fans who are ready to be led out of the desert and off to the Promised Land - wherever it is.
Furthermore, the quote has emboldened the team's young roster along with the its wounded, long-suffering fan base.
Mangini seemed mindful that he would never have another chance to make a first impression on the Jets' long-suffering fans.
For once, however, the long-suffering regular fan will be able to buy his ticket at face value - and even sit in his usual seat.