They're tales of cheating, mistreating men and long-suffering women who are tough enough to stand a lot of heartache.
In this culture, the men are adventurers and the women stoically long-suffering.
Mutter Krause is a quiet, long-suffering old woman who earns what little she can delivering newspapers.
Alexander Waugh's running joke about this long-suffering and eccentric woman is that she actually preferred cows to people.
They are often used for heroic, often long-suffering, tragic women of opera.
The recipient is a long-suffering woman who forwards them to me.
"Our husbands have volunteered to build a decent house for this Christian and long-suffering woman, if you will but supply the timbers," they wrote.
That long-suffering woman was entitled to any solace she could find.
I nodded, amused that Steck had decided to play the age-old part of the long-suffering woman when she was half man herself.
Nate's secretary was a long-suffering woman named Alice, who'd cleaned up after him for almost ten years.