In recent days, the Commission has presented its view of the long-term budget.
The long-term budget should therefore include this cost, and a decision should be taken to move operations to Brussels by no later than 2013.
A Swedish veto in the Council against a bad compromise is a better alternative than a new long-term budget.
Parliament must now assume its responsibility and, together with the Council, do its best to arrive at a long-term budget.
It is a positive thing that we have finally reached a settlement on the EU's long-term budget.
It is important that a settlement has finally been reached on the EU's long-term budget.
Seven years, which is the period covered by our long-term budget, is plenty of time.
The current long-term budget, which is valid until 2014, was, in fact, determined in 2005.
However, then we also need a good, well-balanced, rationally developed, long-term budget as set out in this report.
The Governor should also include the state's $100 million share of the construction price in his long-term budget.