Conserve source specimen material from excessive handling hence directly contributing to its long-term conservation.
Working in media long understood provides confidence in the long-term conservation of the drawings, paintings, and etchings.
Animal collections in individual zoos and aquariums are typically too small to be of much value to long-term conservation.
Due to a shortage of crew she was placed into long-term conservation at Petrograd in October 1918.
Binturongs are common in zoos, and captive individuals represent a source of genetic diversity essential for long-term conservation.
The highest need for this species is further scientific knowledge to allow production of a valid long-term conservation and management plan.
The project will also significantly reduce the need for the future transportation of these artefacts, thus ensuring their long-term conservation.
This is an over-riding concern for the long-term conservation of this area.
It acquires scientifically founded basic data for the securing and long-term conservation of genetic resources in European agriculture.
The case in which the mummy rests is an environmentally controlled unit that assures the mummy's long-term conservation.