Though knee taping has been shown to offer short-term pain relief, its long-term efficacy is confounded by several studies.
However, it must be mentioned that long-term efficacy of neuroleptics is doubtful.
Still, many people eligible for Betaseron are avoiding the drug, put off by the cost, the injections and the uncertainty about long-term efficacy.
This long-term efficacy is equivalent to that seen with other antidepressant classes.
However, the long-term efficacy of these plans is questionable.
These studies have often failed to look at long-term efficacy and side effects.
The third question to be answered is the fact that the long-term efficacy of anti-retrovirus medicines has not yet been fully proven.
A study of the course's long-term efficacy was begun recently by the university's psychology department, so its success could not yet be quantified scientifically, she said.
The long-term efficacy of the iPod as a language aid has, of course, not been established.
There is, however, no evidence for the long-term efficacy of surgical intervention.