The CPR had effected purchases and long-term leasing of several railways through an associated railway company, the Ontario and Quebec Railway (O&Q).
One step would be a new law that would permit widespread, long-term leasing of farms and factories by private entrepreneurs who would be motivated to turn a profit.
One struggle was over the long-term leasing of American Indian land.
Would have regulated long-term leasing of cars to consumers by limiting excessive charges for wear and tear.
Mr. Gorbachev has proposed a variety of other changes to improve farm production, including long-term leasing of land to individuals or small groups of farmers.
But until today, the long-term leasing of land rights to foreigners was not permitted.
He recommended the long-term leasing of land and industrial equipment to workers as a way of stimulating economic growth and reducing central management of the economy.
Though long-term leasing is rapidly becoming one of the most popular ways to acquire a new car, Alen McWeeney says he will never try it again.
But it would be years before matters like the long-term leasing of the terminal and the sale of air rights above it would be resolved.
The bill would stop the very circumvention of the law the city is contemplating with its pretense that long-term leasing for high-rise construction differs in any practical way from outright sale.