And there may even have been a long-term payoff in motivating some of us to continue reading and enjoying Shakespeare.
"They don't understand that a college education can have long-term economic payoffs," he added.
However, only a minority pursued seriously remunerative careers with a long-term payoff.
The concern among urban planners is that short-term worries may blind city fathers to the long-term payoffs.
It depends also on business willing to invest for long-term payoffs, a well-educated work force and a government able to encourage savings and investment.
But this investment has the higher long-term payoff.
There might be a long-term payoff from some of these new products.
Even modest new investments offer long-term payoffs of increased productivity and reduced crime and dependence.
But the long-term payoff is big.
Indeed, cooking with children can be the gift that keeps on giving; it has both short-term and long-term payoffs.