The long-term prognosis for this disease is not clear.
And, even if the short-term consequences were devastating, the long-term prognosis was good.
However, vision recovery does occur in some cases, and reports have varied on the long-term prognosis.
"Now we have to see about our long-term prognosis."
They will know more about his long-term prognosis in another 2-3 days.
But a number of things could interfere with that long-term prognosis.
Beverly and the others were out of immediate danger, although their long-term prognosis was still in doubt.
The long-term prognosis for them is better than for those who spend a few years in prison without drug treatment.
At the time, her surgeons said the operation had succeeded, but they left open the long-term prognosis.
I can't stress how important this is for her long-term prognosis.