But since Sept. 11, security concerns and a proposal for a long-term repository for spent nuclear fuel have raised alarm.
The Congressional Budget Office assessed that reprocessing spent nuclear fuel would cost considerably more than disposal in a long-term repository.
But many power plants are not situated over rock layers that can serve as a long-term repository for the gas.
The catalogue, aiming primarily at German cultural heritage and higher education institutions, establishes guidelines for planning, implementing, and self-evaluation of trustworthy long-term digital repositories.
The oceans, in sharp contrast, are a vast long-term repository for heat absorbed from the air, and so exhibit little confounding variability, he said.
The last item, waste storage, is getting new attention as the Energy Department tries to determine whether Yucca Mountain, about 90 miles from Las Vegas, is suitable for a long-term repository.
Each region would be responsible for choosing and developing its own long-term repository.
The hon. Lady also knows that the search for a long-term repository for the storage of nuclear waste is continuing but the work has been suspended in Caithness.
It is important to provide storage in both interim storage facilities and long-term repositories in accordance with these standards.
A low-intensity earthquake shook the desert floor early yesterday near Yucca Mountain in Nevada, where the government plans to install the nation's first long-term repository for high-level radioactive waste.