It has now been converted to a long-term residence for the hardest-to-place.
Turks who can prove long-term residence outside the country can apply for such waivers.
The five-man shuttle crew will be the first visitors to the three astronauts who established long-term residence at the station almost a month ago.
Rangatira was not an ideal accommodation ship, as her cabins were designed for overnight use rather than long-term residence.
Residence visa, granted to people obtaining long-term residence in the host country.
In some countries, long-term residence is a necessary step to obtain the status of a permanent resident.
Was it that a long-term residence would force them to revert farther toward the natural state, mating and homemaking?
Its 173-acre campus offers a variety of programs, from temporary shelter to long-term residence.
Trade, investment and experts willing to take up long-term residence are still welcome.
His long-term residence here was evident on every side.