Upland agriculture and the long-term retention of native woodlands are not mutually exclusive.
Some of the material is reused from lesson to lesson to invoke long-term retention.
Many studies have shown that long-term retention is greatly enhanced by elaborative encoding.
All in all, children have a potential for long-term retention.
Though a tough negative reaction may be effective in the short term, rarely is there any long-term retention.
However, relapse is quite common, unless the cause is removed or a long-term retention is used.
Try using a different, slightly difficult-to-decipher font it's been shown to improve your long-term retention, according to research published in the journal Cognition.
This research suggests that overlearning may be an inefficient study method for long-term retention of geography facts and word definitions.
There is evidence that the more an item is rehearsed, the greater the likelihood of long-term retention.
If students do self-test, it is often to assess what they've learned, rather than to enhance their long-term retention of the material.