However, what drives a freight train through this short-term turbulence is a long-term trajectory of the increasing economic impact of our universities and graduates.
But if the long-term trajectory of 'law and order' in Britain is not the unilinear march of civility which may once have seemed plausible, what is it?
I think Microsoft needed to make an announcement like this in order to appear on a competitive long-term trajectory, but I have serious doubts that Windows will ever gain much traction on ARM.
Earlier studies of services in the 1930s and 1940s which were concerned with the long-term trajectory of industrial economies tended to define services in a negative rather than a positive manner - that is, by what they were not.
The earlier sustainability measurements "tell you something about long-term trajectories," Mr. Esty said.
The long-term trajectory of the U.S.-Israeli alliance is the greater concern.
When it comes to significantly altering the long-term trajectory of spending and revenues, this budget is basically a holding operation that doesn't do much either way-a fact Jack Lew, the budget director, has come close to conceding.
Tropical forecasters also consider smoothing out short-term wobbles of the storm as it allows them to determine a more accurate long-term trajectory.
In his persuasive recounting, this cosmopolitan, dynamic era has more to tell us about modern China's long-term trajectory than the authoritarian interlude that followed it.
"I think the Burmese have been on a long-term trajectory here on two grounds," Mr. Silverstein said.