Zhou is best known as the long-time top aide to Mao Zedong.
The most remarkable case is that of John Sasso, Gov. Michael S. Dukakis's campaign manager, long-time aide and close friend.
"It tends to be a person who has not voted before," said Mr. Brown's campaign manager, Jodie Evans, his long-time aide and fund-raiser.
He boasted that his government had been a clean and honest one, and defended his last-minute appointment of three long-time aides to salaried positions on a state board.
"He always knows where the back door is," said Robert Ratliffe, a long-time aide.
In the Republican primary to succeed him, Hefley backed his long-time aide, former administrative director Jeff Crank.
He was sentenced to 6 years in prison for shooting dead his long-time aide Rafael delas Alas.
Zhou is best known as the long-time top aide to Mao Zedong, specializing in foreign policy.
Michael R. Milken took the stand yesterday as a witness for the prosecution in a fraud case against a long-time aide.
Clinton's long-time Arkansas-based aide Betsey Wright has seen the alliance work for a dozen years.