Two long-time associates of the show also often appeared on air.
The elf greeted long-time associates and was introduced to those he didn't know.
The press conference was also attended by actress Gong, a long-time associate of Yimou.
Some long-time associates share Mr. Meese's view that he has been attacked unfairly.
His new fiancée is Ruth Loah, 79, a long-time associate of him.
Halfrek is a long-time associate and sometime friend of Anya, who knew her from her days as a vengeance demon.
The band, 18 members strong, comprises a group of Mr. Murray's friends and long-time associates.
He was a long-time trusted associate of Mr Mubarak.
His closest friends are long-time professional associates and even a few old college buddies.
He was a long-time associate of Paul Brown, the first coach of the team.